After gladioli, sunflowers are the most important crop for your field. By staggering sowing times, you can have flowers from July to October – and sometimes even into November. These tall sun lovers are a favourite of many customers, with pollen-free sunflower varieties (F1 hybrids) enjoying increasing popularity. These pollen-free hybrids are popular because they have an extended vase life and do not shed any pollen. The seeds should be sown in at least six batches. The later batches should be sown by the end of July. This allows the flowering season of your field to extend into late autumn. As a result, you will have happy, satisfied customers and a higher income over a longer period of time.
Nine years ago, we began the first cultivation trials of our resistant sunflowers. We test our own resistant sunflower varieties on our own trial field and we have made some forward-looking advances in the area of developing mildew-resistant variants.
Extend the season until late autumn!

NEW mildew-resistant variants
We are already addressing the challenges that tomorrow will bring. We have seen some remarkable advances in the area of breeding mildew-resistant variants.
We are market leaders in this segment and our new, mildew-resistant variants will become available soon!

Golden Eye Bicolor F1
Mildew-resistant* cut sunflower. Very early and noble F1 hybrid with beautiful, orange-yellow petals, which are slightly darker in color towards the dark center. Not branched, vigorous growth, flowering time approx. 4-5 days later than Prime Sun F1. Limited availability, please contact us.

Golden Eye F1
Mildew-resistant sunflower. Early F1 hybrid with yellow petals, dark centre, single stem, vigorous growth, similar flowering season to Tourmandine F1.
Limited availability, please contact us.

Mid Sun F1
Mildew-resistant sunflower. Medium early F1 hybrid with yellow petals, dark centre, single stem, vigorous growth, Flowering time approx. 1 week later than Golden Eye F1. Limited availability, please contact us.

Vincent's Choice F1
Low pollen. Earliest F1 hybrid, intensely coloured, yellow-golden petals with a dark centre, single stem. Less vigorous than Tourmandine F1, flowering approx. 5 days earlier than Tourmandine F1.

Tourmandine F1
Low pollen. Yellow-golden petals with a dark centre, single stem. Early F1 hybrid, later flowering than Vincent's Choice F1 and approx. 1 week earlier than Tiffany F1.

Tiffany F1
Low pollen. Yellow-golden petals with a dark centre, single stem. Mid-early F1 hybrid, Blooms about 1 week later than Tourmandine F1.

Sunrich Lemon F1
Low pollen. Lemon yellow petals with a dark centre, single stem. Mid-early F1 hybrid.

Sunrich Orange F1
Low pollen. Yellow-golden petals with a dark centre, single stem. Mid-early F1 hybrid.

Sunbright Supreme F1
Low pollen. Yellow-golden petals with a dark centre, single stem. Mid-late F1 hybrid, flowering approx. 1 week later than Tiffany F1.

Sheds pollen. Yellow-golden petals with a dark centre, late flowering.

Mid-early, small-flowered variety, bright orange petals, highly branched. Ideal cut sunflower for small bouquets.